Online meditation Weekly

Weekly online meditation is guided by Pujya Paramahans Swamiji Nispruh Spandan. Those who are already initiated join these sessions on
Thursdays and Sundays.

Trust Your Own Experience

Kriyayog carves you and introduces you to the real you within. Breathing techniques work on us through meditation practices. As we keep practising it on regular basis, it helps empty our mind, calm it and opens the door to a stress free life. It changes your perspective to look at life and empowers you to handle any situation in life with peace, maturity and calmness.

Kriya Yog Courses – Meditation

Meditation is not about becoming a different person than the living world or becoming a new person. It is about training yourself with full awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. Meditation teaches you to systematically explore your inner dimensions. It is a system of commitment, not a commandment. This offers a unique opportunity to carve yourself and reduce stress in the mind. You walk towards stress free and peaceful life. Pujya Swamiji throws light on the below topics like

What is Kriyayog? Background of Kriyayog
How Kriya works on human body and mind
Importance of Exercises, Pranayam, breathing techniques in Meditation and yog
Kriya – Practices to heal yourself, body and mind
Satsang with Pujya Guruji enlighten us on different topics.
Contact – (91) 99756 90339 (India) (+358) 46 5710507 (Finland)
Email – nispruhyogkriyayog (at)

Yoga Courses

Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages. And, if you’re going through an illness, yoga can become an integral part of your treatment and potentially fasten healing.

In course, you learn Asanas, Pranayama, Stretching exercises
Surya Namaskar and relaxing techniques
Benefits of yoga includes Yoga improves, flexibility, strength and stamina
It relaxes your body and mind which helps getting better sleep
Self care leads to better moods and more energy
Contact – (91) 99756 90339 nispruhyogkriyayog (at)

Astrology – Horoscope

The study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world. The 7 colours in Sunlight represent 7 Chakras in our body. Human life is influenced by the Time, Place & Nakshatra in which an individual is born. We provide deeply studied astrological solutions having more emphasis on what is to be done and what is not to be done. Get the scientific astrological solutions and experience the positive change in your life.

Kundali (Patrika) creation
Reading of horoscope (Patrika)
Solutions to help reduce issues
Contact – (91) 99756 90339 nispruhyogkriyayog (at)

Spiritual Healing Tattoos

Tattoo designs are laden with symbolism and deeply rooted in spirituality. Various elements like animals, mandalas, sacred geometry and religious symbols carry profound spiritual connotations. Tattoos can restore the energy when someone might experience a blokage of energy around particular chakra by placing a tattoo near or over a chakra point the area can adjust and heal.

Swamiji has researched on tattoos. Based on Yantra, Mantra, Tantra, He designs specific tattoo for Individual. Tattoos can be meaningful way to affirm spiritual truth on the blank canvas of skin. The placement of tattoo on the body can hold significant spiritual meaning for the individual.

The art of tattooing transcends mere aesthetics, evolving into a profound expression of one’s beliefs and spiritual journey. For those seeking a deeper connection with their inner selves and the cosmos, tattoos serve as beacons of hope and symbols of oneness with the universe.

Identification of your Spiritual Tattoo
Tattoo Designing
Tattoo Restructuring
Contact – (91) 99756 90339 nispruhyogkriyayog (at)

Featured Courses

Nispruh Yog offers you following regular courses to get started on the way of stress free life. Meditation helps you reduce stress and increase peacefulness.

Preparatory course 4 hours

Explore your inner dimensions systematically. Meditation helps you train yourself to be in full awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective.
Discounted price for students.

It will be held in Espoo on 8th March and in Jyväskylä 6th April 2025

Kriyayog Advance Course 2 Days

Simple scientific meditation techniques and breathing exercises that helps you achieve subtle transformations in body and mind.
Discounted price for students.

Held in Jyväskylä on 12-13April and in Espoo on 26-27 April 2025

Kriyayog BalSanskar Day

Course will focus on giving right attitude and healthy mindset. This generation youth is damaging their body and mind, before maturity. Give your child a chance to get positive mindset.

Currently In Finland (Helsinki, Espoo)

Recent Events

Rishikesh, Haridwar and Vrindavan
Visit With Swamiji, Jan 2024

An amazing experience! Group of 19 people enjoyed a trip to Vrindavan, Haridwar, Rishikesh. Unforgettable experience! Do you want to join next time?

Sweden and Cruise ship experience
With Swamiji, April 2023

Awesome trip to Sweden with Swamiji and fellow practitioners. Cruise ship stay was a life time experience with Swamiji’s company.

Call Us – (91) 99756 90339, (358) 46 571 0507

EMail – nispruhkriyayog (at)

Let’s help you book your first appointment

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