Swamiji’s Books

Guru Vandana
It introduces you to various mantras. Morning prayer, prayer of Guru, Chintan, shield of Guru, humble dedication and few other mantras.
Mantras are written in Hindi and English.

Beyond words and the world
It talks about eternal truth, body, soul and much more. Content includes Satsang happened with devotees and also covers Swamiji’s life stories.
Book is available in English and Finnish languages.
By Swamiji himself
It is a blessing to listen to Swamiji in Satsang. Here are few audios.
Be the person I can see in you (In Hindi)
Imaginary but the ultimate truth (In Hindi)
Challenge is in every specie’s life (In Hindi)
For one’s progress, one has to turn inwards (In Hindi)

A Mother holds Guru within her and
A Guru has motherhood within
Mother is the personification of compassion while Paramatma(the divine force) is the essence of love
In Vishvas(Vish – poison, aas – hope) There is hope as well as poison in Trust(Vishvas), what to take from it depends on oneself.
A person remains sad because he changes house, city, country, dress, relations, everything but does not change his nature. In reality, a person’s nature determines if a person is sad or happy.
It is a truth that, lack of physical beauty can be compensated by good nature or heart but lack of good nature/good heart can never be compensated by only physical beauty. Beauty of a face depends on Prakriti(nature) but good nature depends on the individual. Beautiful face will only please the eyes but a good nature/beautiful heart will go deep and directly touch the heart.
– Checking our sadhana with/by GURU is different thing and doubting sadhana given by GURU is different. If you are doubting sadhana given by GURU, you are actually doubting your GURU, himself.
– A person blind with eyes can wander in this world but a person blind by mind/understanding cannot even take one step in right way.
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