Swami Nispruh Spandan ji’s Guruji
Shree Madan Mohanji Sahay
Swami Nispruh Spandanji always describes his Guruji as Karuna-avatar Madan Mohanji Sahay. Guruji taught him with strict discipline and at the same time, showered lots of love. Guru Madan mohanji initiated Swami Nispruh Spandanji into Kriya Yog.
Madan Mohanji Sahay ji was born on 30th June, 1925. He was a family man who retired as Divisional Manager in 1989 from LIC. He met Pahadi Baba, His GURU, at the hillside cave. Pahadi baba had a strong personality and also was very tall. His fearless and blissful personality moved him and changed his perspective towards life. He worked on Sahay ji to get rid of wrong beliefs and transformed his superior feelings into love. Pahadi Baba initiated him into Kriya Yog few years after he met him.
Benefits of Meditation
Meditation helps you heal your mind, reduce stress and increase peacefulness.
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