Guru Parampara
Yada yada hi dharmasya glanirbhavati bharata
Abhythanamadharmasya tadatmanam srijamyaham
Paritranaya sadhunang vinashay cha dushkritam
Dharmasangsthapanarthay sambhabami yuge yuge – Shrimad Bhagavadgeeta

Krishna – Kriyayog
Krishna explains Kriyayog as the practice of purifying the physiological as well as mental and spiritual systems. This is a Yog of Awareness. “Kri” means karma or action and “ya” means soul – the action of the soul. A kriya is the action “which is done for the soul” or which frees us from the “bondage of karma” by burning physical and mental impurities. It is a the practice of purification.
Kriyayog includes the practice of Asanas, Pranayama, and spirituality. However, kriyayog has a deeper purpose than just toning your body. It focuses more on the mental and spiritual benefits by the means of physical exercises. Breathing technique of inhaling and exhaling of breath, a yogi balances his breath and thus releases Prana to bring his bodily systems under control to act together in synchrony’.

Mahaavatar Babaji
Mahavatar Babaji who is the supreme guru for all the Yogis and has been living in the Himalayas for hundreds of years. Though not much is known about his childhood, he is supposed to have been born on November 30th, 203 AD in a small coastal village, known as Parangipettai in Tamil Nadu.
Mahavatar Babaji revived the technique of Kriyayog for the betterment of humankind. Kriyayog was then descended to Lahari Mahasaya from Mahavatar Babaji and Babaji said to have mentioned that “The Kriyayog that I am giving to the world through you in this nineteenth century is a revival of the same science that Krishna gave millenniums ago to Arjuna; and that was later known to Patanjali and other disciples.” (‘Autobiography of a Yogi’, by Paramahansa Yogananda.)

Shamacharan Lahiri
Shyama Charan Lahari who is popularly known as Lahari Mahasay was a householder and was working in British Railways in Bengal. He was transferred to Ranikhet in the foothills of Himalayas on an official duty. When he reached the Himalayas while walking one day, he heard a young man calling him by his name. At first Lahari Mahasay didn’t recognize his guru Mahavatar babaji, but Babaji with his gentle touch on Shyama Charan’s forehead reminded him of his previous incarnations.
Later Babaji initiated Lahari Mahasay into the sacred science of Kriyayog and after a few days, Babaji asked Lahiri Mahasaya to leave for home. Babaji also gave him permission to initiate and teach Kriyayog to others. Lahiri Mahasay entered Maha samadhi in Banaras on September 26, 1985.

Sri Yukteswara Giri
Sri Yukteswara Giri was born on May 10 1855 in Serampore, West Bengal, his name was Priyanath Karar. He was initiated by Lahari mahasay to kriyayog. Sri Yukteswara Giri met Mahavatar Babaji in kumbha mela in Allahabad in 1894 and upon request of Mahavatar Babaji he wrote a book called Kaivalya Darsanam.
Also, as per the prediction of Balaji, Sri Yutkeswara Giri came across the disciple Sri Paramahansa Yogananda, who later went to teach Kriyayog in the West. Apart from Paramahansa Yogananda Sri Yukeswara Giri had many other disciples namely, Sri Swami Satyananda Giri, Swami Bhavananda Giri etc. Swami Sri Yukteswara Giri attained the Mahasamadhi on March 9, 1935.

Sathyananda Giri
Sathyananda Giri was born on 17 November 1896 to Mohinimohan Mazumder and Tarabasini Devi at Malkha Nagar of Bikrampore, undivided Bengal. Sri Satyananda was trained by Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri at his Puri Karar Ashram in 1919. Sri Satyananda was also a disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda.
Satyananda lived in the hermitages at the Karar ashram in Puri, Ranchi and had more than thousands of devotees. Swami Sathyananda Giri attained Niravana on August 2 1971 at the age of 74.

Pahadi Baba
Shree Hariharanandji was Tantra Samrat and Kriyayogi. He was known with different names. He used to live in a cave on the hills (which is called ‘Pahadi’ in Hindi), so villagers used to call him- ‘Pahadi Baba’ and later became famous with the same name. He was an enlightened yogi (Sidhha Purush) knowing many different sadhanas. Once Madan Mohanji Sahay was passing nearby those hills and saw a few saints sitting together on the hillside case. He met Pahadi baba there and kept coming back to see him very often. Later Pahadi Baba initiated him into Kriyayog.
Madan Mohanji Sahay
Shree Madan Mohaji Sahay was a family man who retired as a Divisional Manager from LIC in 1989. After meeting Pahadi baba, his life took a turn towards spiritual world. Pahadi baba tested him in many ways which slowly turn his materialistic habits into spiritual ones and also turn him into Karunamayi (loving) soul. Pahadi baba later initiated him in Kriyayog.
Later Nispruh spandanji found Madan Mohanji Sahay as his Guru who gave him, his current name- Paramhansa Swami Nispruh Spandan

Tauji – Banarasilal Saraf
Sri Banarasilala Saraf was also a disciple of Guruji -Madana Mohanji Sahay. Swami Nispruh Spandan ji met him at the Ashram of Guruji. Swamiji used to call him Tauji affectionately. Tauji loved young, devoted Swamiji and showered his blessings by transferring his knowledge to him.

Shree Aghorinath-Shobharam
Shree Aghorinath-Shobharam(Also known as Hariom wale Babaji) was a family man working in Government service. He was blessed with many Sidhhis by blessings of his Guru. He was a father and first Guru of Swami Nispruh Spanadanji. He trained him with very strict rules and discipline. He always welcomed sadhakas to his home. So different enlightened yogis/saints used to visit their home. They use to do Satsang.
At very young age, Nispruh Spandanji left home in order to find a GURU. He stayed at many holy places including Himalayas and Puri. He found Madan Mohanji Sahay as his Guru who gave him, his current name- Paramahans Swami Nispruh Spandan.

The Autobiography of a Yogi – Paramahansa Yogananda
As instructed by Babaji, Sri Yukteswara giri ji met a boy named Mukunda who later became renowned Paramhansa yogananda in sacred Allahabad Kumbha mela in 1984. Yogananda was born January 5, 1893, to Bhagabati Charan Ghosh and Gyan Prabha Ghosh in Gorakhpur, UttarPradesh, India. He taught meditation and Kriya yog to millions in India and in the USA (America).
His book on Kriyayog, Autobiography of a Yogi, sold over four million copies, with HarperSan Francisco listing it as one of the “100 best spiritual books of the 20th Century”. On March 7, 1952, he attained Nirvana after giving his speech and reading a final poem on My India, concluding with the words “Where Ganges, woods, Himalayan caves, and men dream God—I am hallowed; my body touched that sod.”
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